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We strive to process and ship every order within 48 business hours. You can expect to receive your order in 4 -7 business days depending on your location.
The delivery timeline depends upon the delivery address of the customer.
For metros & Tier 1 cities, it may take 3-4 working days, whereas for Tier 2 & 3 cities & rural areas, it may take 5-7 working days.
For International orders, the average delivery time is 7 -15 business days depending on the country of residence.
Note - If there are any alteration that needs to be done to the product, shipping time may vary by a day or two, depending on the extent of the changes required.
If your package has been opened or tampered with, we request you to not accept the shipment and immediately inform our customer support team at +91 95128 20772 or
The colours of the products on our website have been portrayed as accurately as possible, however, monitors and screens of electronics devices differ in their display of colour, so it may slightly vary depending on the display screen.